Shihan Marie-Pierre Lavergne

dimanche 1 septembre 2019

Be ready !

“Be Ready”
The only recommendation I could give to my students : always be registered in a regular practice of Teate and Misogi.
Keep in mind and in practice: clarity, neutrality,
modesty, gratitude and kindness.
Admit and correct our imperfections every day.
Ensuring a Reiki donation of the highest quality.
We have everything to learn and we need to keep this way of practice.
The well-being of the patient requires it. It's a real responsibility.
What if ... we were not ready?

Sometimes the Reiki care is done in an emergency state.
I have experienced it.
Remember: in my previous article "Gokai: Kyo da kewa"
I tell you how I received a flood of pure, clean energy
to Gokai while preparing my local. I thought it was the fruit of my
regular practice and I thought I had a new level in my Gokai practice.
Quite simply.
Poor innocent ...
I could never have imagined that a dramatic event was going on,
and that I was going to have to transmit in the next days to come this increased gift of Reiki in the urgency.
I won’t tell the serious circumstances that made me only 10 minutes
to hold the hand of a loved one on resuscitation. The health team was preparing us

gently at worst and I refused, demanding to see my younger sister immediately.

A kiss on her cheek and I took her hand practicing Gokai as Shihan Tomomi F Yasue had taught me. The same flow of the Gokai reappeared, crossed me and poured into the pale hand I held between mine. This power that merged between her and me, protected us as inside a cocoon. She came to oppose the oppressive coldness of the white walls, the deafening sound of the beeps and carts that were busy at the entrance to the room. Everything seemed so fragile and hanging by a thread and yet I felt the Force of the possible and the force of hope. I did not have to fail and banish the affect. Stay a clear and neutral channel.
I stayed there and set off  in the evening a Shudan Reiki with eight of my best students. It was 7pm. Without knowing it, it is at this precise hour that two surgeons were in a hurry to operate my sister. They saved her life. Later, when I thanked him for his distinguished work, one of them confessed that he had never operated under such circumstances.
"Your sister owes her survival at a young age and good energy"
... Good energy ... yes ... good energy ... what can we add ..?

From the Sho Den degree, Shihan Tomomi tells us:
"You will experience what you need when you need it"
These words will resonate in me forever.

My dear students, be convinced that you are not trained in Dento Reiki by chance.
You do not know who may need you.
So I recommend you to be ready.
It's my only conviction.

PS: Thanks to the great professionalism of the medical and paramedical teams of surgery and reanimation who treated and saved my sister.
Thank you to my students.
Thanks to the exceptional teaching I received.

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Voici quelques lignes pour vous relater l ' expérience extraordinaire lors d' une séance reiki . Aujourd' hui j' ai reçu Mr ...